Carl Friedrich Gauss’s method of least squares is a standard approach for sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares problems fall into two main categories. Linear also know as ordinary least squares and non-linear least squares. The linear least-squares problem pops up in statistical regression analysis and it has a closed-form solution while the non-linear problem has no closed-form solution. Thus the core calculation is similar in both cases.
In a least squares calculation with unit weights, or in linear regression, the variance on the jth parameter, denoted is usually estimated with
Weighted least squares
When that the errors are uncorrelated with each other and with the independent variables and have equal variance,The gradient equations for this sum of squares are
Which, in a linear least squares system give the modified normal equations
When the observational errors are uncorrelated and the weight matrix, W, is diagonal, these may be written as
For non-linear least squares systems a similar argument shows that the normal equations should be modified as follows.
Least-squares regression is a method for finding a line that summarizes the relationship between the two variables.
Regression Line: A straight line that describes how a response variable y changes as an explanatory variable x changes.
A residual is a difference between an observed y and a predicted y.
Important facts about the least squares regression line.
- The point (
x,y) is on the line, wherexis the mean of the x values, andyis the mean of the y values. - Its form is y(hat) = a + bx. (Note that b is slope and a is the y-intercept.)
- a =
y- bx. - The slope b is the approximate change in y when x increases by 1.
- The y-intercept is the predicted value of y when x = 0
r2 in regression: The coefficient of determination, r2 is the fraction of the variation in the values of y that is explained the least squares regression of y on x.
Calculation of r2 for a simple example:
r2 = (SSM-SSE)/SSM, where
SSM = sum(y-y)2 (Sum of squares about the mean y)
SSM = sum(y-y(hat))2 (Sum of squares of residuals)
Calculating the regression slope and intercept
The terms in the table are used to derive the straight line formula for regression: y = bx + a, also called the regression equation. The slope or b is calculated from the Y's associated with particular X's in the data. The slope coefficient (by/x) equals
· Sum of deviations from mean = 0.
· Sum of residuals = 0.
· r2 > 0 does not mean r > 0. If x and y are negatively associated, then r < 0.