Sunday, June 1, 2014

Control of Mobile Robots - - Week 1 Exercise

You got a score of 4.00 out of 5.00.

Question 1

One way of getting a general feeling for what a differential equation is up to is to look at the sign and magnitude of the derivative at different points for different values of x. Use this idea for the dynamics


Which one of the plots below (where t is on the ``x-axis" and x(t) is on the ``y-axis") was generated by this system? Note that x(0)=10.
Your Answer



Correct 1.00


Question ExplanationThe first thing to check is what the axes and the initial condition for each plot is; in our case, these are plots of x(t) that start at x0=10. Thus, the correct plot will (at least initially) have a negative rate of change (x˙(0)=1000 to be exact). Working through using process of elimination we find the correct plot.

Question 2

One way of modeling epidemics is to describe how the fraction of infected individuals evolves over time. Let I be that fraction, with the model being


Here, the constants β and ρ are the infection and recovery rates, respectively. What are the possible equilibrium points to this system (values for I when the fraction of infected individuals is not changing)?
Your Answer
Score Explanation
When I=0 or I=(βρ)/β Correct 1.00
Only when I=(βρ)/β

When I=0 or I=(1β)/ρ

Only when I=(1β)/ρ

Only when I=0

1.00 / 1.00
Question ExplanationWe need to see what happens when I(t) does not change, i.e., when I˙=0. So, solve βI(1I)ρI=0. This is a 2nd-order polynomial equation, which means it has two solutions (although the two solutions may be the same).

Question 3

If someone gives you a possible solution to a differential equation, one of the checks needed to see if this is indeed a solution is by taking the required number of derivatives and seeing if the proposed solution does in fact satisfy the differential equation. Let


Which of the following options is not a possible solution to this equation?
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x(t)=eωt Correct 1.00


1.00 / 1.00
Question ExplanationPlugging in each function and differentiating twice we get a second derivative that is not the same as the function in the question for one of the choices.

Question 4

We saw that the model of a cruise-controller could be given by


where u is the input, x is the speed of the car, and c,m,γ are constant parameters. If there was no wind resistance in the cruise-control model (γ=0), what would the steady-state values be for the velocity x when using a pure D-regulator, i.e., when u=ke˙=k(r˙x˙)=kx˙ (since r is constant)?
Your Answer
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Impossible to say

x() less than r Inorrect 0.00
0.00 / 1.00
Question ExplanationPlugging in our choice of controller u=kx˙ and γ=0 as well we get: x˙=kcmx˙, which is no longer a differential equation. Think in terms of discrete time: xk+1=xk+dt``x˙′′ but what is x˙ now? And how can we determine x now?

Question 5

Let a discrete-time system be given by


If this system starts at x0=10, what happens to the state of the system?
Your Answer
Score Explanation
It keeps switching between 0 and -5

It keeps growing from 10 up to

It jumps down to x1=0 and increases up by one until x5=5 and then jumps back to 0 again (and the process repeats)

It keeps switching between 0 and 5 Correct 1.00
It jumps down to x1=0 and remains at 0 for ever

1.00 / 1.00
Question ExplanationStart by plugging in x0=10. Find x1. Keep plugging in, using this discrete update rule, until you see the pattern start to repeat. Be careful -- it's easy to make simple mistakes in your addition!