Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Overclock Galaxy Mini Upto 800MHz..

Do this at your own risk. The author holds no responsibility if your device got damaged or bricked during the process. Make sure you have installed Galaxy Mini drivers on your PC. Exit from Kies before trying this. And your Galaxy Mini phone must be an already rooted one to try this out.

  •  Open S5570_Odin Multi Downloader V4.38.exe
  • Click OPS tab and select TASS_v.1.0.ops
  • Click PDA and select CODE_S5570DXKA_REV02_OC.tar.md5
  • Boot the device into 'Download' mode by pressing Home, Power and Volume Down keys at the same time and wait for the ODIN to detect it.
  • Click start and wait for the phone to reboot.

How to Overclock Samsung Galaxy SII Upto 1.5GHz

Samsung Galaxy SII is one of most powerful devices in the android market with a CPU of 1.2GHz. Overclocking makes the CPU run faster than the device has originally set by factory settings. No need to mention further more, this makes your device smoother and faster.

Let's Overclock Samsung Galaxy SII to 1.5GHz


1. Rooted Samsung Galaxy SII phone.

2. ODIN downloader
3. Download Overclocked kernel here

4. SetCPU for Root Users application

Do this at your own risk. The author holds no responsibility if your device got bricked or damaged during the process. Make sure you have installed Galaxy SII drivers on your PC. Exit from Kies before trying this. And your Galaxy SII phone must be an already rooted one to try this out.
  • Boot the device into 'Download' mode by pressing Volume down, Power and Home buttons at the same time.
  • Connect the phone to PC via USB cable
  • Open ODIN and find the first box highlighted in yellow colour.
  • Click 'PDA' button and select the 'galaxysii_oc_v1.tar' file
  • Make sure only 'Auto Reboot' and 'F.Reset Time' option in ODIN are checked and 'Repartition' should not be checked.
  • Click 'Start' and wait for the process to complete and Galaxy SII will reboot in a while.
  • Run SetCPU application on your mobile
  • After installation, launch it and set the desired CPU frequency.

Now you have successfully Overclocked your Galaxy SII to 1.5GHz.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Root Samsung Galaxy Note and Install CWM Recovery..

Samsung Galaxy Note is the latest member of galaxy devices which comes with a 5.3 inches massive screen size to bring a phone and a tablet together to fit into your pocket.

Let's see how to root the device using ODIN and install ClockworkMod Recovery on it. Do this at your own risk. The author holds no responsibility if your device got bricked or damaged during the process.

Download the following files before you start the process.

Make sure you have installed Galaxy Note drivers on your PC.

  • Start ODIN and click on PDA. Select the CMW Recovery Kernel, the .tar file downloaded. Make sure 'Repartition' check box is unticked.
  • Switch off the device and put it into Download Mode by pressing volume down, home button and the power button at the same time.
  • Connect your device to the PC via USB cable and wait the ODIN to recognize it.
  • Click the 'Start' in ODIN and the flashing process bigins. Wait for the 'Pass' message in ODIN.
  • Device will reboot.
  • Place your Superuser zip file to the root of your SD card
  • Boot your phone to Recovery Mode by pressing volume up, home and power button.
  • Select the 'Install zip from sdcard' option and give the path to the Superuser zip file on SD card
  • Reboot.
Now, the Galaxy Note is rooted successfully.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Current and Future Relavance of Business Excellence / Improvement to Argos UK Ltd. Possible Benefits and Likely Inhabitors Exists. - Case Study

Argos is now a proud registered owner of numerousbrands and rapidly expanding its business to the next levels. Businessexcellence or in other words business improvement is Argos is one of the largest unique and successful general-goods retailers inthe UnitedKingdom and Ireland with more than 800 stores around. Thebest part is; it is a catalogue merchant, which means it primarily displays their goods by catalogue and customers make their selections topurchase through a computer and take down the item number plus check theavailability, pay, and then collect the items from an in-store collection deskor get it delivered to their home. It is acceptable that this system is moresecured and the people who work at Argos don’t have to bother much about shopliftersor time wasters plus other time consuming facts like maintaining displays etc. Becausemost stock is held in stockrooms to which only staff have access, much morestock can be held per unit floor area than can be held in a traditional shop. Ina traditional shop it must be displayed as to be appealing to the customer;however in Argos, most customers shop from photographs of items in thecatalogue or online but still Argos rules the retail market. Argos has followedthe footsteps of US Montgomery Ward extremely well and implemented a wholenew system in UK’s general goods retail industry. So, the conclusion we can getout it is, displaying goods in highly cost glass cabinets is not what makes abusiness run but the business excellence theory they follows. Thinking out ofthe box which made them successful and it is what essential to set up abusiness in its initial stage and one of key factors for business improvement.

With over 130 million customers a year and theUK’s most visited high-street retail web site in year 2008 Argos is stillreigning in the industry. Argos implemented a more flexible and user friendlycustomer service system through their journey with various reservation channels.They settled on a mobile channel, a quick and instant medium to interact withthe Argos brand which ultimately leads to increased sales and stronger brand loyalty.Argos ‘Text and Take Home’ service, allows consumers to query and reserveproducts from the Argos catalog by sending a text. It is taking their businessto the next level with new technology and customers using Argos’s text servicehave a variety of reasons to use it. They are receiving instant reminders, theywon’t lose the information like they might with a misplaced print-out, it hasno cost, it has great "green" appeal.

Business improvement or if I say businessexcellence is the key factor of all the success and growth of Argos during thepast few years. It is relevant to the both present and future activities of theorganization. Business excellence was their key to open the doors to horizonand it brought a whole new concept to Britain’s general goods retail market.

The magical word ‘Business excellence’ is what the systematic use of qualitymanagementprinciples, theories and tools in businessmanagement,with the mission of improving performance and growth based on the principles of customer focus, stakeholder value, and processmanagement.For Example balancedscorecard,the Six Sigma, Lean, process management, and project management are such tools.
Argos is based on a strong process management foundation. From the moment they print thecatalogues, distributing them and up to handling a transaction at a store takesa lot of effort and knowledge of planning and monitoring the process. And the proof for that they are already handling it successfully is the remarkable chainwhich is flowing without any gaps and the successful growth rate which is abovemarket. Above all; 800 stores all around United Kingdom and Ireland whichhandles over 14,000 transactions daily, serving more than 50,000 customers.

Business excellence, as described by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), refers to "outstanding practices in managing theorganization and achieving results, all based on a set of eight fundamental concepts." These concepts are:
  1. orientation on balanced results
  2. focus on customer value
  3. leadership and constancy of purpose
  4. management by processes and facts
  5. people development and involvement including continuous learning
  6. innovation and improvement
  7. partnership development and
  8. public responsibility
According to the EFQM model, Argos isdoing extremely well and has implemented the whole system successfully. ‘Orientationon balanced results’ is a visible outcome of the organization and ‘focusingcustomer value’ is at a high degree. But innovation and improvement factor hasto be considered more by Argos. Implementing a catalogue merchant system alone itselfis somewhat an innovative idea but improvement has to be continued by addingmore brands and competitive choices and ultimately ‘focus on customer value’fact too will be taken care by this little addition. It will be a benefit forthe organization and a likely inhibitor for the future business improvement, oryou can say business excellence. Improving the business / business excellenceis the key factor of the success, expansion, growth and the entire future ofthe whole organization.

When it comes to public responsibility, Argos ishandling it quite well, by reducing the amount of resources they use and theamount of CO2 emissions they produce. Some of their recent achievements showthat they are actually successful taking care of this part. For an example;more than 78% of the wastes they produce were recycled during the past fewyears 90% of wood is sourced from known and legal sources, Argos catalogues are100% recyclable etc. In future they can improve and get more benefits byoperating their business in a more responsible and sustainable way, such asachieving more recycling rates, reducing their energy consumption rates andreducing landfill tonnages etc. Enhance their reputation and manage theirresources effectively in the face of rising costs will lead them to a highdegree of business improvement.

The importanceof business process improvement can be discussed further inorder for a business to stand firm and be effective continuously, leadershipmust be planned well and oversee the organization from top to bottom. If anorganization has a clear picture of what they are doing and their day to dayactivities, they stand a better chance of achieving long term financial, publicand overall sustainability. A crucialcomponent in understanding, solidifying and enhancing operations is a practiceknown as business process improvement. As we discussed above business processimprovement is the key to success of an organization, whether it’s a soleproprietor, partnership or a limited company. The size of the company isactually really don’t matter.

To improve the business and achieve more in businessexcellence it is important for Argos to maintain a proper customer database sothat theycan get in touch with the existing customers. Contact customers through anemail, letter etc to inform about new products, price decrease about similarproducts they purchased during their last visit would be a good idea and mightboost the sales. Most of all it is a great way to keep in touch with the loyalcustomers and remind them that the business is ready to serve anytime withgreat interest. Argos has to constantly look for ways to encourage repeatbusiness. Although marketing and advertising are important factors to get morecustomers, quality, service and customer satisfaction are what keep a businesssuccessful and alive in the long run. Argos must consider about this and it’s apossible benefit for its future prospect. Plus it is important to bring morebrands to the competition so that customers have various choices to pick withinthe giant brand names they love. For an example when it comes to music playersApple, Sony, Phillips is already there in the store and why not adding anothermiddle range music player like Zune or Sandisk to the competition to make ittough and appealing. It’s a potential approach improving business. Registeredwith another brand name will not be a loss in the long run if you make thedecision wisely by examining the market trends. As the market is wide and thelevel of economy among the customer has lot of differences and it’s a mixedcultured society it is obviously a positive step. After all it is beneficial toboth customer and the company.

Setting clear newstandards for the company is essential to achieve business excellence and itwill add effectiveness and efficiency to the existing strategies. For examplereview how effective Argos advertising is, and some other measurements of wherethe business has been. Set some benchmarks and periodically assess how thebusiness is doing. It needs to know what they consider an improvement beforethey can start to improve on it. Review Company’s relationship with their employees too is somewhatimportant in the long run as it’s hard to find good and trustworthy employeesall the time. Argos must cherish the treasure they own. The next this is Argos must explore new markets or improvemarketing.

Argos TV launched on Sky TV and online this year and it is abright and another good approach. Viewers are able to purchase items andcollect them from local Argos stores through the retailer's "check andreserve" service. It is certainly a fresh and great idea to get closer tothe customers and achieving business excellence / business improvement in agrand way. It’s easy for the customers and on the other hand it boosts thensales of the company plus gaining publicity for the products and the goodwillof the company. It is somewhat taking business to the next level and blendingwith new market and digital trends by Argos. If they can go into social mediamore than they are in currently, it will be an advanced step for them. Forexample setting up a twitter, facebook account and keep in touch with thecustomers and introducing their products will help them to access a widecustomer base than they actually have at the moment. And in the meantime it isimportant to stay alert with current social media trends, competitions etc. Sothat it helps to gain lot of attention from internet and other social medianetwork users. It is somewhat taking Argos’s capabilities to the next level inE-commerce.

Achieving business excellence or in other wordsgaining an improvement in business is really important to a company /organization because it is all about making an organization perform better,produce better profits, achieve success, and deliver its aims. The whole theoryof running a business depends on the above mentioned factors. It’s aboutdelivering real bottom line improvements in performance to private and publicsector organizations. Expanding business and find new markets is always achallenge. It’s true that the idea of expanding overseas is likely to be bothan exciting and terrifying prospect to retailers; the substantial rewards on offerare higher revenues, higher margins, profit maximization, increment of marketshare and the ability to militate against single marketdependency. However, even though these new markets may bring newopportunities for growth, it is still important to remember that the process ofinternational growth presents a number of unique challenges in itself. Afterall, international expansion is about a lot more than just adding shops; it'sabout an introduction of a brand to a new market, and the chance to replicatethe success that the business has enjoyed domestically. Now it’s time for Argosto take up the challenge. It is matured enough to stand alone and handlefranchises. If UK market fails to generate and maximize the profits, it stillhas its roots to survive as a vast company. Although it already has stores inIreland and it is not a big deal to expand its horizons further more.

Since Argos launching their “Textand Take Home” in 2004, millions of customers have used the service and itgenerated hundreds millions of pounds of sales to Argos. Argos’s mobile channeldelivered over GBP 100 million of incremental revenue putting Argos on top ofall general goods retailers. The service has generated over 100% year-on-yeargrowth of the user base taking Argos’s annual uptake of 60% new users providedwith a real multi channel experience. This highly successful service hasreceived several awards including the "Revolution Awards: Best InteractiveServices on Wireless Networks" and the "Retail Week Awards: Retail TechnologySolution of the Year."

Since Argos has many competitorsnow, it is important to expand their business and explore new markets toprotect their position in the industry and introduce new methods and trends asthey always used to do in their history. Argos is currently experiencing thematuring stage of the business. It is important to maintain the form and abovementioned methods will do the trick handily. When the organization steps in tomatured stage in about another few more years there will be a slight drop ofprofits and form of the organization as well as the entire process of thebusiness. Business excellence or in other words improvement in business willdrop down to a visible degree. It’s the nature of any kind of business or if Isay an organization / company. To avoid that it has to go with the latesttrends and explore the capacity of its own. Trends come and go and during thiswhole time, it is visible to everyone that Argos has survived and protectedit’s stability as a company through all its good times and bad times. In futureArgos has to move with digital media more often to survive and protect itsposition in general goods retailers’ market. It is a must for them to explorenew markets to expand their business. Argos’s new implementation of the systembased on cloud computing is remarkable and brought some new hopes to the old,boring shopping system we had in our early ages. It is important for them tomaintain their form and innovative ideas as the rapidly increasing customerbase expect more from them as the time passes by through a technologicallygrowing and developing world.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Install TouchWiz 4.0 on Any Samsung Phone..

Samsung Galaxy SII’s truly amazing TouchWiz 4.0 technology can be now experienced by most of the Samsung device holders running Android 2.3. Just a normal hack on your Samsung device to install the TouchWiz 4.0 launcher will do the trick. Your phone must be already rooted to try this.

  • Root your Samsung device
Do this at your own risk. The author holds no responsibility if you bricked or damaged your device during the process.

  • Start Root Explorer and mount the system as R/W
  • Place the TouchWiz30Launcher.apk in system/app
  • Place the in system/lib
  • Reboot the device. 
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Galaxy 5

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Unroot Samsung Galaxy Ace with Android 2.3.4 or 2.3.3

Rooting your Android phone leads to void the warranty and with this tutorial let’s see how to unroot a rooted Samsung Galaxy Ace. This works on devices running Gingerbread 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 so, if you are still running 2.2, I suggest you to upgrade your firmware to 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 before testing this.

Do this at your own risk. The author holds no responsibility if your device got bricked ordamaged during the process.


  • Copy the file to the root of your SD card
  • Switch off the phone and boot into recovery mode by pressing the middle key, volume down and the power button together.
  • Select Update from SD card by pressing volume up / down keys and pick; file
  • Wait for the confirmation screen and select 'reboot in normal mode' to restart the phone.

Crossing of Cheques..

A cheque is a negotiable financial instrument we use to settle payments. A cheque can be lost, stolen or the signature of payee can be done by someone else pretending him/her and that’s why the protection of cheques has increased according to an international standard that we must thoroughly consider when writing a cheque.

Crossing is a popular method of protecting the payer and payee of a cheque. Both bearer and order cheques can be crossed. It prevents fraud and wrong payments. Basically a crossing can be done by "Drawing Two Parallel Lines" across the face of the cheque. Crossed cheques cannot be paid at the counter and they must be presented through the bank only.

Different Types of Crossing 

General Crossing:-
  1. Two parallel lines, drawn across the face of the cheque
  2. An abbreviation "& Co." has written between the two parallel lines
  3. "Not Negotiable" has written between the two parallel lines
  4. The cheque bears the words "A/c. Payee" between the two parallel lines.

A crossed cheque can be made bearer cheque by cancelling the crossing and writing ‘Pay Cash’ with the full signature of drawer. This operation is called "opening the crossing”.

Special or Restrictive Crossing:-

Whenever a particular bank's name has written in between the two parallel lines the cheque is said to be specially crossed.

In addition to the mentioning of a bank’s name, the words "A/c. Payee Only", "Not Negotiable" may also can be seen. The effect of special crossing is that the bank makes payment only to the banker whose name is written in the crossing. Specially crossed cheques are much safer than generally crossed cheques.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Upgrade the Firmware on Samsung Galaxy SII to Android 2.3.4 and Root the Device

Samsung Galaxy SII came with Android 2.3.3 and it doesn’t have an official firmware release for 2.3.4 yet, but if you have already rooted the device you can easily install a custom ROM to experience the benefits of Android 2.3.4 version.
With this new I9100XXKG2 custom ROM you can experience;
  • Increased battery life
  • Gtalk video facility
  • No more delay on home button
  • Increased data speed
  • Radio control button on home screen etc
How to Install I9100XXKG2 on Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100
  • Check whether you have installed Samsung USB Drivers properly

This procedure will wipe away all your contacts, messages apps etc and you’ll even have to root the device again. So, take backups of important stuff. Nothing will happen to the external SD card. Do it at your own risk. The author is not responsible if your device got damaged or bricked during the process.

  • Unzip the main firmware file to find these five files inside.
1. CODE_I9100XXKG2_CL375027_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5
2. GT-I9100-CSC-HOME-MULTI-OXAKG2.tar.md5
3. GT-I9100-CSC-MULTI-OXAKG2.tar.md5
4. KERNEL_I9100XXKG2_CL375027_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5
5. MODEM_I9100XXKG2_REV_02_CL1037208.tar.md5
  • Make sure Samsung Kies is closed completely, because it blocks Odin.
  • Run Odin3 v1.85.exe file
  • Power off your Galaxy SII phone.
  • Hold Volume down key+ Home button key and press power on, skip the warning message and accept it. Now your phone is in download mode.
  • Connect your phone through the USB cable and wait for the message ‘Added’ in Odin’s bottom left hand corner’s box
  • Check Auto reboot & F. Reset time in Odin dialog box
  • Select the files via Odin
PDA : CODE_I9100XXKG2_CL375027_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.m d5,
PHONE : MODEM_I9100XXKG2_REV_02_CL1037208.tar.md5,
  • Hit the start button and wait for the device to auto reboot and now you can unplug the USB cable from your computer.
Go to: Settings – About Phone and see now you have Android 2.3.4 on your Galaxy SII

How to Root XXKG2 firmware for Samsung Galaxy SII, running Android 2.3.4

  • Run Odin3 v1.85.exe
  • Make sure Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time are checked.
  • Click on PDA button , and select file CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_KG1-v4.1-CWM4.tar
  • Boot your phone into download mode [switch off your phone, in switch off mode press and hold volume down key and middle key and while pressing both press power on button. Skip the warning message.
  • Connect your phone to PC via USB cable and wait for the Added message in Odin’s bottom left hand corner’s box
  • Hit start button of Odin and wait for the auto reboot of the device
After the process you will see a yellow exclamation mark at the start up. As usual we have to re-flash the stock kernel to remove it.

  • Extract the zImage file inside the XXKG2 Original Kernel [Update].tar file
  • Place it in the root of your SD memory
  • Open CWM tool on your phone [You will get this after upgrading to the flashing the kernel]
  • Select Flash Kernel and pick zImage
  • Phone will automatically and reboot and you’re done.

Now you have a rooted Galaxy SII running Android 2.3.4

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to Take a Backup of the Current ROM before Flashing Your Samsung Galaxy SII

Flashing a new kernel to upgrade the OS version on your Android phone is risky. The process might brick the phone even. If in case something went wrong or you if you wanted your original ROM back, here’s how to make a whole system backup and restore the original ROM whenever you want.

  • Install ROM Manager application on your phone from Android market
  • Run the ROM manager application.
  • Tap on Flash ClockworkMod Recovery and you will get a list, choose the Samsung Galaxy and wait for the phone to auto reboot .
  • After reboot, open ROM Manager again and select Reboot into Recovery.
  • Phone will reboot again. And you will get the ClockworkMod Recovery on screen.
  • Select backup and restore option in recovery menu by pressing volume up/down keys
  • Choose backup and it will take care of the rest.
  • When you see backup complete message and recovery menu after it completes the process.
  • Use volume up/down buttons to scroll down and select wipe data/factory reset - advanced - wipe Dalvik cache
  • Select Reboot System Now and the device will reboot in normal mode.
You can restore this backup going through this process

Boot the phone in recovery mode [Volume down + Home button + Power On] - Backup and Restore - Restore - Choose the backup file

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Let’s Transfer Old Text Messages from Symbian to Android..

Restoring the contacts in your phone book or contact list is now easy through Google sync ans SIM memory. SMS restoring is an issue I went through recently with my old Nokia 5800Xpress Music when moving to Android.

Text messages on Symbian to XML file format.

• Download and install Nokia Ovi Suite on your laptop.
• Sync the phone with Ovi and completely exit.
• Download Nokia2AndroidSMS.exe [Extract the .rar file]
• Run the application after closing Ovi Suite, wait till it detects your SMS backup. Select Datastore1 in Ovi store & All Phones in Phone IMEI.

You will get an XML file.

Restoring XML file.

• Download and install SMS Backup & Restore application on your phone from Android Market
• Copy the .xml file on your android device, in sdcard\SMSBackupRestore Folder
• Run the SMS Backup & Restore application on your Android device and restore all text messages.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Play Tegra, Qualcomm and PoweRVR Based Games on Android.

Nvidia Tegra is a series of system-on-a-chip developed by Nvidia for mobile devices. It integrates everything onto a single package including the ARM architecture processor CPU, GPU, northbridge, southbridge, and memory controller. The series emphasizes low power consumption and high performance for playing audio and video. Such as; LG Optimus 2X, Motorola Atrix 4G, Motorola Droid X2 etc. These are Tegra based devices which has high graphical and 3D features for games, videos etc.

My Galaxy SII too has incompatibilities with many games made only for certain platforms. For an example it’s incompatible with 3D, Tegra based game like Samurai II. All you need is a 2.1+ Android version on your rooted device to try this. That means higher than Éclair version of Android. But it doesn’t work on 3.0 [Honeycomb] tablets.

1. Download ChainFire3D from the Android Market to your device and install the ChainFire3D driver comes with the application and reboot. Free version would do the trick and no need to buy the ChainFire3D Pro version.
2. Download all 3 plug-ins for TEGRA, QUALCOMM and POWERVR drivers.

3. Place them on the SD card

4. Tap on ChainFire3D application and tap on install plug-in. Wait for the auto detection and install all 3 drivers one by one.

5. Go to Default OpenGL settings in ChainFire3D application and select Use Plugin - NVIDIA to do a test.

6. Download the .apk of an incompatible game. Let’s try Samurai II

NOTE: Do not expect all the incompatible games to play on the device. Just select the appropriate driver from all three that we installed via ChainFire3D and try your luck.

Make sure to tick the "Reduce Texture Quality" on ChainFire3D and it’ll reduce the usage of your RAM.

Tested on Samsung Galaxy SII, Samsung Galaxy S

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let’s Root and Install Sinhala Unicode on Android.

Android is a fast growing operating system for devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers developed by the Open Handset Alliance owned by Google.

Let’s see how to install Sinhala Unicode on Android. For that, you need to root the device. Through this tutorial we’re discussing about one click rooting methods for;

Android 2.1 [Eclair]
Android 2.2 [Froyo]
Android 2.3 [Gingerbread]

Rooting Android 2.1 [Eclair]

Tested on Samsung I5700 Galaxy Spica, Vodafone 945 and Sony Ericsson X10 Mini
Do it at your own risk. The author is not responsible if your device got damaged or bricked during the process.

Download and just run z4root application on your phone and click root. You can even choose whether to do a permanent root or a temporary root.

Rooting Android 2.2 [Froyo]

Tested on Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 and Samsung Galaxy Ace [Android version 2.2]
Do it at your own risk. The author is not responsible if your device got damaged or bricked during the process.

1. Download SuperOneClick and extract it to your desktop.
2. Enable USB debugging on your phone [Settings - Applications - Development - USB Debugging]
3. Connect the device to the computer via your USB data cable and run SuperOneClick.exe and click the Root button.

Rooting Android 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 [Gingerbread]

Tested on Samsung Galaxy Ace [Android version 2.3]
Do it at your own risk. The author is not responsible if your device got damaged or bricked during the process.

1. Download and copy it to the root of your SD card.
2. Boot device into recovery mode. [First turn off the phone and turn it on again by pressing Home button and Power button simultaneously. You’ll see the downloading icon.]
3. Update from sdcard and then select the file upd_.1zip.
4. Once the file is flashed, it will reboot the device automatically

Rooting Samsung Galaxy SII

The process is quite different when it comes to this recently launched new high end phone. Let’s see how to root a Samsung Galaxy SII. We are rooting the device by flashing an insecure kernel.

Do it at your own risk. The author is not responsible if your device got damaged or bricked during the process.
Download all these things to your desktop.
Odin Downloader
XWKDD tar file [don’t extract]
Samsung’s KIES 2.0 as you will need the correct USB driver for software to communicate.

* Turn on USB debugging mode in Galaxy SII from Settings - Applications - Development - USB Debugging.

* Make sure KIES is closed and not running in the system tray because it will flash block during the process.

1. Boot device into download mode. [First turn off the phone and turn it on again by pressing Volume down button, Home button and Power button simultaneously. You’ll see the downloading icon.]
2. Start Odin downloader
3. Connect the phone to your computer through USB.
4. Odin software notifies when it detected the phone and got connected
5. In the Odin software, just select “Auto Reboot” and “Reset Time” checkboxes and leave every other option as default.
6. Press PDA icon and select the XWDD tar file downloaded
7. Press Start and Odin will flash the kernel and Galaxy SII will reboot.
8. Don’t remove the phone from USB while rebooting.
9. After rebooting, start SuperOneClick and press ROOT.
10. Reboot the device.

Note: While booting, your phone will be showing a yellow triangle with exclamation mark now, which indicates you’re running an insecure kernel. If you want to remove this icon, just flash the original kernel back to your device.

Download XWKE7 Stock Kernel from here for re-flashing. [Password: intratech@XDA]
Repeat the process from number 6.

This method currently works for all Samsung Galaxy SII versions running android 2.3.3 or android 2.3.4 and above.

Once the rooting process has successfully finished you can see the superuser icon on your device and don’t forget to install Root Checker application from the android market and confirm the root access.

Installing Sinhala Unicode

Download Root Explorer
Download DroidSansFallBack ttf
Install Root Explorer unzip the DroidSansFallBack ttf , enable R/W permission and copy it to /system/fonts directory. Unicode rendering is not perfect on android but readable.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Capital Gearing Ratio
Capital gearing ratio is using to analyze the capital structure of a company.

Capital Gearing Ratio = Equity Share Capital / Fixed Interest Bearing Funds

Dividend cover
This measures how many times a company can pay dividends over the profit. Ex: if dividend cover is 5, that means the company’s profit attributable to shareholders was 5 times the amount what the dividend cover exactly is.

Dividend cover = Earnings per share / Dividend per share

Acid-Test Ratio
This indicates whether a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its immediate liabilities without selling inventory.

Acid Test Ratio = [Cash + Accounts Receivables + Short Term Investments] / Current Liabilities

Debtor’s Turnover Ratio
Debtor's turnover ratio indicates how long people normally take to pay a firm for their purchases on average.

Debtors Turnover Ratio = Net Credit Sales / Average Accounts Receivables

Where; Average Accounts Receivables = [Opening Debtors and B/R + Closing Debtors and B/R] / 2
Net Credit Sales = Total Sales – Cash Sales

Return On Capital Employed - ROCE
This ratio indicates the efficiency and profitability of a company's capital investments. It should always be higher than the rate at which the company borrows; otherwise any increase in borrowing will reduce shareholders' earnings.

ROCE = Earnings Before Interest and Taxes / [Total Assets – Current Liabilities]

Earnings Per Share
The portion of a firm's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. Earnings per share ratio basically indicate a company's profitability.

EPS = [Net Income – Dividends on Preferred Stock] / Average Outstanding Shares

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Basics of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Basic objectives
Financial reporting should be rich with information that is;
  • Useful to provide information to potential investors and creditors and other financial market users in making rational investment, credit, and other financial decisions.
  • Helpful to assess the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts.
  • About economic resources, the claims and the changes in those resources.
  • Key to make financial decisions.
  • Provide information to make long-term decisions.
  • Improving the performance of the business
  • Useful in maintaining records

Basic concepts
GAAP has four basic assumptions, four basic principles, and four basic constraints to achieve its basic objectives and implement fundamental qualities.

  • Accounting Entity: Business has a separate existence from its owners and revenue and expense should be kept separate from personal expenses.
  • Going Concern: Business will be in operation indefinitely.
  • Monetary Unit principle: Assumes a stable currency is going to be the unit of record.
  • Time-period principle: Economic activities of a business can be divided into artificial time periods.
  • Historical cost principle - Companies to account and report based on acquisition costs rather than fair market value for most assets and liabilities.
  • Revenue recognition principle - Requires companies to record in accrual basis accounting.
  • Matching principle - Expenses have to be matched with revenues.
  • Full Disclosure principle - Information disclosed should be enough to make decisions.

  • Objectivity principle: The financial statements should be based on objective evidence.
  • Materiality principle: The significance of an item should be reported when considering.
  • Consistency principle: The company uses the same accounting principles and methods from year to year.
  • Conservatism principle: When choosing between two solutions, the one that will be least likely to overstate assets and income should be picked.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Quick Guide to Least Squares Regression Method..

Carl Friedrich Gauss’s method of least squares is a standard approach for sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares problems fall into two main categories. Linear also know as ordinary least squares and non-linear least squares. The linear least-squares problem pops up in statistical regression analysis and it has a closed-form solution while the non-linear problem has no closed-form solution. Thus the core calculation is similar in both cases.

In a least squares calculation with unit weights, or in linear regression, the variance on the jth parameter, denoted is usually estimated with

Weighted least squares

When that the errors are uncorrelated with each other and with the independent variables and have equal variance, is a best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE). If, however, the measurements are uncorrelated but have different uncertainties, a modified approach might be adopted. When a weighted sum of squared residuals is minimized, is BLUE if each weight is equal to the reciprocal of the variance of the measurement.

The gradient equations for this sum of squares are

Which, in a linear least squares system give the modified normal equations

When the observational errors are uncorrelated and the weight matrix, W, is diagonal, these may be written as


For non-linear least squares systems a similar argument shows that the normal equations should be modified as follows.

Least-squares regression is a method for finding a line that summarizes the relationship between the two variables.

Regression Line: A straight line that describes how a response variable y changes as an explanatory variable x changes.

A residual is a difference between an observed y and a predicted y.

Important facts about the least squares regression line.

  • The point (x,y) is on the line, where x is the mean of the x values, and y is the mean of the y values.
  • Its form is y(hat) = a + bx. (Note that b is slope and a is the y-intercept.)
  • a = y - bx.
  • The slope b is the approximate change in y when x increases by 1.
  • The y-intercept is the predicted value of y when x = 0

r2 in regression: The coefficient of determination, r2 is the fraction of the variation in the values of y that is explained the least squares regression of y on x.

Calculation of r2 for a simple example:

r2 = (SSM-SSE)/SSM, where

SSM = sum(y-y)2 (Sum of squares about the mean y)
SSM = sum(y-y(hat))2 (Sum of squares of residuals)

Calculating the regression slope and intercept

The terms in the table are used to derive the straight line formula for regression: y = bx + a, also called the regression equation. The slope or b is calculated from the Y's associated with particular X's in the data. The slope coefficient (by/x) equals


· Sum of deviations from mean = 0.

· Sum of residuals = 0.

· r2 > 0 does not mean r > 0. If x and y are negatively associated, then r < 0.