Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learn to Program: The Fundamentals - Assignment 3


No printing!

Don't call print anywhere in your code. By now, you should be using the visualizer or the debugger to figure out what your code is doing.

A3 Problem Domain: Word Search Game

For A3, you will implement a word search game. The game involves an rectangular board of uppercase letters that is read from a file. For example, here are the file contents representing a (tiny) 2 row by 4 column board: 


The game also involves a non-empty words list read from a file. For example, here are example file contents for a words list:
To make it a bit more challenging, there may be words in the words list that do not appear in the board, and the word list is not shown to the players.
The object of the game is for the players to view the board and find words (remember that the words list is unknown to the players). Words may be contained in rows (from left to right) or columns (from top to bottom), but not backwards. When a player correctly guesses a word that occurs in the words list, that player is awarded points according to a scoring system described in the starter code. The game ends when all words on the board that appear in the words list have been guessed.
The player with the highest score wins.
The words from the words list and the letters of the board are made up of alphabetic, uppercase characters.

Terminology in this handout

  • A board is a list of list of str, such as [['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']].
  • A words list is a list of str such as ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']

It will be useful to call some of these functions when implementing other functions. Here is some information about how the functions relate to each other and how they are used in the game:
  • is_valid_word: checks whether a word that player guessed is in the words list.
  • make_str_from_row: creates a string from the list of single character strings representing a row. Hint: look at how this is used by board_contains_word_in_row.
  • make_str_from_column: creates a string from the list of single character strings representing a column. Hint: this may be helpful for board_contains_word_in_column.
  • board_contains_word_in_row: checks whether a word occurs in any of the rows of the board. This function has been implemented in the starter code.
  • board_contains_word_in_column: checks whether a word occurs in any of the columns of the board. Hint: see board_contains_word_in_row.
  • board_contains_word: checks whether a word occurs in any of the rows or columns of the board.
  • word_score: calculates the score that a correctly guessed word earns. A word that is only 1 or 2 letters long earns 0 points, a word that is 3-6 letters long earns 1 point per letter, a word that is 7-9 letters long earns 2 points per letter, and a word that is 10 or more letters long earns 3 points per letter.
  • update_score: adds the score that a correctly guessed word earns to a player's score.
  • num_words_on_board: counts how many words from the words list appear on a particular board.
  • read_words: creates a words list made up of the words from a file. Hint: to test this function, you should open a file such as wordslist1.txt and pass the open file as an argument to this function. 
  • read_board: creates a board made up of the rows of letters from a file. Hint: to test this function, you should open a file such as board1.txt and pass the open file as an argument to this function. 
"""A board is a list of list of str. For example, the board
is represented as the list
    [['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']]

A word list is a list of str. For example, the list of words
is represented as the list
    ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']

def is_valid_word(wordlist, word):
    """ (list of str, str) -> bool

    Return True if and only if word is an element of wordlist.

    >>> is_valid_word(['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'], 'TO')
    i = 0
    while i < len(wordlist):
        return word in wordlist
        i = i + 1

def make_str_from_row(board, row_index):
    """ (list of list of str, int) -> str

    Return the characters from the row of the board with index row_index
    as a single string.

    >>> make_str_from_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 0)

    word = ''
    i = row_index
    for char in board[i]:
        word = word + char
    return word

def make_str_from_column(board, column_index):
    """ (list of list of str, int) -> str

    Return the characters from the column of the board with index column_index
    as a single string.

    >>> make_str_from_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 1)

    word = ''
    i = column_index
    for char in board:
        word =  word + (char[i])
    return word

def board_contains_word_in_row(board, word):
    """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool
    Return True if and only if one or more of the rows of the board contains word.

    Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a valid word.

    >>> board_contains_word_in_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'SOB')

    for row_index in range(len(board)):
        if word in make_str_from_row(board, row_index):
            return True

    return False

def board_contains_word_in_column(board, word):
    """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool

    Return True if and only if one or more of the columns of the board contains word.

    Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a valid word.

    >>> board_contains_word_in_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'NO')

    i = 0
    while i < len(board[0]):
        if word in make_str_from_column(board, i):
            return True
        i = i + 1
    return False

def board_contains_word(board, word):
    """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool

    Return True if and only if word appears in board.

    Precondition: board has at least one row and one column.

    >>> board_contains_word([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'ANT')

    a = board_contains_word_in_row(board, word)
    b = board_contains_word_in_column(board, word)
    if a or b:
        return True
    return False

def word_score(word):
    """ (str) -> int

    Return the point value the word earns.

    Word length: < 3: 0 points
                 3-6: 1 point per character for all characters in word
                 7-9: 2 points per character for all characters in word
                 10+: 3 points per character for all characters in word

    >>> word_score('DRUDGERY')

    score = len(word)
    if score < 3:
        return score*0
    elif score >=3 and score <=6:
        return score*1
    elif score >=7 and score <=9:
        return score*2
    elif score >=10:
        return score*3
    return score

def update_score(player_info, word):
    """ ([str, int] list, str) -> NoneType

    player_info is a list with the player's name and score. Update player_info
    by adding the point value word earns to the player's score.

    >>> update_score(['Jonathan', 4], 'ANT')

    current_point = player_info.pop(1)
    point = current_point + word_score(word)


def num_words_on_board(board, words):
    """ (list of list of str, list of str) -> int

    Return how many words appear on board.

    >>> num_words_on_board([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'])

    count = 0
    for word in words:
        if board_contains_word(board, word):
            count = count + 1
    return count

def read_words(words_file):
    """ (file open for reading) -> list of str

    Return a list of all words (with newlines removed) from open file

    Precondition: Each line of the file contains a word in uppercase characters
    from the standard English alphabet.

    lists = []
    for line in words_file:
        word = ''

        for char in line:
            if char != '\n':
                word = word + char


    return lists

def read_board(board_file):
    """ (file open for reading) -> list of list of str

    Return a board read from open file board_file. The board file will contain
    one row of the board per line. Newlines are not included in the board.

    lists = []
    for line in board_file:
        #Append characters into sublist
        sub = []
        for char in line:
            if char != '\n':

        if sub != []:
            lists. append(sub)

    return lists